Streamline Gives

$19M+ Invested
153 Families Contributed
600+ Organizations Impacted

“They say that money can’t buy happiness… we disagree.”

Studies show that generosity is a crucial component of true happiness—unlocking freedom and fulfillment in life. For over 25 years, we’ve helped people plan for the future while exercising generosity, and it’s changing the lives of people around the world.

We invite you to be a part of the movement.

“We’re investing in people… real estate is going to last a long time, but people are going to last forever.”

The Impact


6 Freshwater Wells

were rehabilitated or drilled for communities to have access to clean water (Samaritan’s Purse)


Clean Water

provided to 481 people across the world (World Vision & iDEAS International)


1 Community Water Filtration System

(Samaritan’s Purse)


118 Children

in extreme poverty were provided access to health care, safe water, nutrition, education and training programs for a year (ChildFund International & Compassion International)


160 Cleft Lip / Palate Surgeries

were provided to low-income children and adults (Samaritan’s Purse)


238 orphans

Including children with special needs, were provided with life-saving evacuations from combat zones to safety in western Ukraine (A Family for Every Orphan)

“That’s what financial freedom looks like—being able to give wherever you see a need.”

Over 95,000 Meals

provided to households facing food insecurity in local communities (World Central Kitchen & Wayside Cross Ministries)


$542k Worth of Groceries

were provided to low-income children and adults (Northern Illinois Food Bank & Greater Chicago Food Depository)


72 Children Fed

for an entire year in impoverished countries (Feed My Starving Children)


Weatherproofed 90 Homes

 following a natural disaster (Samaritan’s Purse)


52 Children Custom-Fitted

with wheelchairs to allow them to attend school, work, and engage in their communities (iDEAS International)


16 Students Sponsored

from low-income families in Chicago to receive a rigorous, holistic education (The Field School)

“You can start small and you’ll be very surprised by just being there, showing up and giving in small ways.”
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100 Impoverished Children in Rwanda

are able to attend school and gain health insurance, each year (Flourish Rwanda)


45 Families

Experienced the FreedUp course, teaching them to become diligent earners, prudent spenders, generous givers, wise savers and cautious debtors. (Good Sense Movement)

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86 Households

provided with the tools to lift themselves out of extreme poverty (World Vision)